Promoting Nancy’s photography and educating the public about nature, photography, and God

Burrowing Owls – Our Newest Addition

In May, we visited Brian Piccolo Sports Park in Cooper City in the early morning with our friend, Brian Rapoza, to get Burrowing Owl pictures.

To see the Note click here.To hide the Note click here.
Brian is an old friend who we first mentioned in this blog as far back as 2012, but didn’t formally introduce until 2016, when he contributed to what is now our Notes About Bird Flamboyance And Behavior article.

While there, Nancy got a few pictures. This is the one she likes best.

Burrowing owls

Soon we will be making a few prints for our next art festival, which is still scheduled for Odessa in early DecemberSchedule. If you hurry, you can have Print #1 either on fine art paper or canvas up to at least 23″ by 35″. For more information, you can go to our Burrowing Owls page.



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2 responses to “Burrowing Owls – Our Newest Addition”

  1. Michael Woodley Avatar
    Michael Woodley

    Athene cunicularia is a beautiful species of owl. I feel worried because I know that this species of owl is in danger of extinction. But, I often see owls that usually live in trees. Why do these owls live in a burrow?

    1. Brian Rapoza Avatar
      Brian Rapoza

      Burrowing Owls have adapted to living in mostly treeless grassland habitats by burrowing underground to roost and nest.

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