Promoting Nancy’s photography and educating the public about nature, photography, and God

Tag: 4T

  • Check Out Our Ghost Orchid Picture

    I just added our Ghost Orchid picture to the website. Nancy took this photograph in early July. Ghost Orchids bloom at the peak of mosquito season. We were wading in water just below our waist. Tanin in the water makes water visibility almost zero. With her camera equipment just inches from the water surface, Nancy…

  • Our “New” Lady Slipper Orchid Picture

    Another beautiful picture that I just added to the web site (even though it has been available in our booth for two years now) is the Lady Slipper Orchid. Paphiopedilum vanguard is a hybrid that was first produced in 1921 from two other members of the genus. All members of that genus come from southeast…

  • Our Gallery-wrap Edges Create Optical Illusion

    When we do the gallery wrap on our canvas prints, I usually take just a tad along the edge of the image and digitally stretch it to several times its original width to wrap around the edge of the frame. That sets up an optical illusion. When you move to the side of the image…

  • A Better Way To Keep Your Mat Cutter Square

    I have a faster and more accurate way to make sure my Logan Model 660 Framers Edge mat cutter is square. And this technique does not use a carpenter’s square. The procedure should be adaptable to other mat cutters also. I explain how in the article “Keeping Your Squaring Arm Square”. The article is now…