Promoting Nancy’s photography and educating the public about nature, photography, and God

More Cancellations Due To The Coronavirus

Our next two festivals, the Santa Fe College Spring Arts Festival in Gainesville, scheduled for the last weekend in March, and the Old Florida Celebration of the Arts in Cedar Keyschedule the first weekend in April, have both been canceled. We will be back in Cedar Key next year, specifically April 17 & 18, 2021 (if the one that was canceled was supposed to be the 56th Annual …, what will next year’s festival be called?).  We are still negotiating our future appearance at the other three festivals canceled so far (Pembroke Pines, Winter Haven, and Gainesville).

Although I hadn’t announced it yet, we were also scheduled to travel to India after the end of the Florida art festival season this May with Natural Habitat Adventuresdetails (our second-favorite tour company). Our mission is to photograph tigers. We have also pushed that trip back one year. There may still be room available on that trip; contact us (or Natural Habitat Adventures (tell them we sent you)) if you are interested.

Our last two festivals this season (Melbourne and Fernandina Beach) are still on, starting the last weekend in April. While that might change, I don’t expect to hear from them for another couple of weeks. Stay tuned.


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