Promoting Nancy’s photography and educating the public about nature, photography, and God

Nancy Proudly Places 1st In Photography At Pembroke Pines

At Artfest In The Pines last weekend, Nancy received 1st Place In Photography. There were four other photographers. As you may recall, last year she was the third best photographer of threeblog. Needless to say, we were thrilled to receive this award.

I don’t know if this award was because of or despite her comments to some of the judges about judging biases at art festivals (which she expanded on in her acceptance speech at the award dinner). I had already started an article based on comments we received about photographers’ use of canvas from the judges of a large art festival last fall (tentatively titled “Tell It To The Judge”), but because of our current schedule, I have no idea when that article will be ready. Stay tuned.

[Editor’s note: see Tell It To The Judge: In Defense Of Photographers & Canvas]






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