Promoting Nancy’s photography and educating the public about nature, photography, and God

Tag: Mother Screech Owl with Fledgling

  • Subsequent Screech Owl Stories

    Since the nesting screech owls left us (see Our Screech Owl Image – The Rest Of The Story, which is about the subject owl family in our image “Mother Screech Owl with Fledgling” (a link to that page is in the article)), we’ve had a few noteworthy encounters with our local screech owls. In the…

  • Our Screech Owl Image – The Rest Of The Story

    On our webpage, Mother Screech Owl with Fledgling, we talk about a pair of screech owls using our backyard nest box. Here is the rest of the story. The first nest box we built was actually for Red-bellied Woodpeckers. The specifications on woodpecker nests are all smaller than needed for Screech Owlsspecs. I always thought…